
The Lost Art of Written Words

The days at Harmony Farms are long and productive. Unpacking is almost a thing of the past, and this farm girl can truly say she is thankful for that not so small accomplishment.

One of the joys I gained from one especially large stack of boxes was the opportunity to reminisce over times gone by. Not really sure why, but apparently I saved boxes full of cards and letters from friends and family through the years. Most were your standard funny or sappy cards with a quick signature identifying the sender.

However, my favorite finds were the letters. Many were on plain paper and were two or three pages in length. These pages described the everyday goings on of life to a friend who was not simply a free phone call or a quick text away.


Without the lure of a screen or the draw of endless internet opportunities, we were a people who wrote. We wrote to describe life, to express feelings or to simply bring joy to the receiver of our written words.

I was amazed at how much time I spent poring over the words of these writers. It seemed that I could sneak back in time to a quieter, simpler space to get a glimpse of our relationship at that moment in time. Some made me laugh, while others caused my eyes to blur a bit.

My “Learn and Live” takeaway for the day… create some form of written word for others to see at a later date. Words are powerful and best of all, they are free! Use them to teach, inspire, bring joy, relate, give, or encourage. But the most important thing to do is to use them.


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15