
Beef Products 2023

Buying beef from Ken and Paula Holsberry at Harmony Farms is an economical way of filling your freezer with safe, healthy, local beef. 

You’re also supporting your local farmer.

Our Animals

We sell Black Angus beef born and raised on our farm. They grew up on their mama’s milk and native prairie grasses right here in Clay County. They are finished on pasture and grain. This creates a lean beef that still has some of the marbling flavor customers love.

The Processor

The animals will be taken to Clay County Meat Processing in Henrietta, Texas, a state-inspected custom butcher, where they will be processed into recognizable cuts. 


The animals will be dropped off in early August and ready for pick up 2-3 weeks later. You will receive a call from us to let you know your exact cost. You will pay Harmony Farms for the beef via check or Venmo. You will pay for processing when you pick up your beef at Clay County Meat Processing.

What You Are Buying

When you buy beef from Harmony Farms, you are buying shares in a live animal. You can buy a whole share, a half share (a side of beef), or a quarter share (a split side).  

How It Works

The price of your beef is based on the hanging weight of the animal.  

Hanging weight refers to the weight of the animal as it hangs in the butcher’s cooler once the head, hide, feet, organs and blood have been removed. The hanging weight of an animal is usually about 50-55% of its total weight.

The amount of meat you actually receive is called the cut weight. Cut weight is the actual weight of all cuts of meat you will put in your freezer. The cut weight is usually 50-55% of the hanging weight.

The six animals we are offering this year will be ten to eleven months old when they are processed. Our goal is for their weight to be around 800 pounds. If the animal is 800 pounds, the hanging weight will be 480 pounds. These numbers are good estimates but the actual weight will not be known until the animal is at the butcher.

How Much Does It Cost?

Our 2023 price is $4.35 per pound of hanging weight. For these estimates, we’ll assume a hanging weight of 480 pounds.

Cost Of A Whole Share

The estimated cost for a whole share is $2837.00

Here’s the breakdown:
Cost of the animal   480lbs x $4.35/pound = $2088.00
Kill Fee $100
Processing Fee $1.30 lb
Disposal Fee $25

The total estimate for a whole beef is $2088.00 for the animal and $749.00 for the processing for a grand total of $2837.00.

Cost Of A Half Share

The estimated cost for a side of beef is $1419.00

Here’s the breakdown:
Cost of the animal $2088/2 = $1044.00
Kill Fee $100/2 = $50.00
Processing Fee 480lbs/2 = 240lbs x 1.30 = $312.00
Disposal Fee $25/2 = $12.50

The total estimate for half side of beef is $1044.00 for the animal and $375.00 for the processing for a grand total of $1419.00.

Cost Of A Quarter Share

The estimated cost for a quarter of beef is $724.00

Here’s the breakdown:
Cost of the animal $2088/4 = $522.00
Kill Fee $100/4 = $25.00
Process Fee 480lbs/4 = 120.00lbs x 1.35 = $156.00
Disposal Fee $25/4 = $6.25
Divide Fee (Quarter only) = $15

The total estimate for a quarter side of beef is $522.00 for the animal and $202.00 for the processing for a grand total of $724.00.

Ready to purchase?

A $100 deposit will reserve a quarter, a $200 deposit will reserve a half, and a $400 deposit will reserve a whole.  Complete this form to reserve your beef share and pay your deposit. 

Questions? Contact Ken and Paula at harmonyfarmstexas@gmail.com!